Estimation of Aerobic Capacity (VO2-max) and Physical Work Capacity in Laborers


  • Sedeghe Hosseinabadi
  • Peiman Hamidi Bagejan
  • Hossein Ebrahimian
  • Abdollah Barkhordari
  • Tahere Raei Bandpe



Aerobic capacity, Physical work capacity, Worker, Rolling tube


Introduction: Measurement of Maximum aerobic capacity (VO2-max) is important in physiologically fitting the laborers to the job. This study was conducted to estimate the aerobic capacity and physical work capacity (PWC) of workers of galvanize department of Semnan rolling pipe Company and also determine the relative frequency of workers whom their jobs were proportional to their physical work capacity .

Methods: 50 male workers of Semnan rolling pipe company were selected randomly to participate in this cross-sectional study.  Tuxworth & shahnavaz methods were applied to measure instances VO2-MAX. Independent-Sample t-test and correlation technique were used to analysis the data by SPSS software.

Results: Average maximum aerobic capacity of workers was 2.88± .033 liters per minute and the average of physical work capacity was 4.76 ± 0.54 kilocalories per minute. There was a significant relationship between body mass index and aerobic capacity. The result  showed that 36 percent of  subjects expend  more energy than their physical work capacity to perform their duties during the work time.

Conclusion: According to the ILO classification, the average physical work capacity of the workers fall into a category of light energy;accordingly,  on average, these workers had physical ability to performe less or lighter duties. More than one-third of these workers need to undergo job modification or to change their present job to a job with less energy consumption.


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How to Cite

Estimation of Aerobic Capacity (VO2-max) and Physical Work Capacity in Laborers. (2013). Knowledge and Health in Basic Medical Sciences, 8(3), Page:131-137.