The Study of Relation of Happiness and Performance of Employees at Shahrood Medical Sciences University


  • Morad Ali Bagheri1 1- Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran



Happiness, Performance, Organizational learning, Participation, Justice


Introduction: Happiness and joy as one of the most important human psychological needs, has always occupied the human mind, because of its effect on formation of human personality and in generally on the whole of human life and creation of cheerfull organization is a strategic need for its long term success. The aim of the study was to investigate the relation of happiness and performance of employees at Shahrood Medical Sciences University.

Methods: In this research, happiness in 10 key dimensions, including organizational learning, Self- disclosure, participation, organizational justice, positive thinking, flexible structure, meaning ful work, interesting work, security and interaction with colleagues, has been studied with the oxford happiness and hersey and gold smith questionnaire. Pearson correlation coefficient and multi linear regression statistical analysis is used for data analysis at software SPSS 19.

Results: Results showed that there are significant correlation between organizational performance with participants with the correlation coefficient equal 0.87, interested in working (0.79), organizational learning (0.78) and justice whith (0.75), respectively, and the next rank is for happiness (0.73).

Conclusion: According to the results, managers must look for practical and functional strategies to increase the level of gappiness of employees in which their performance will be imprived.


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How to Cite

The Study of Relation of Happiness and Performance of Employees at Shahrood Medical Sciences University. (2016). Knowledge and Health in Basic Medical Sciences, 11(2), Page:54-59.