Prevalence of Mobile Phone Dependency and its Relationship with Students’ Self Esteem


  • Tayebeh Khazaee
  • AliReza Saadatjoo
  • Majid Shabani
  • Mohammad Senobari
  • Mohsen Baziyan



Prevalence, Mobile dependency, Self-esteem, Students.


Introduction: Dependence on mobile phone is a serious problem for work and social life of individuals. People with low self-esteem, have problematic mobile phone use. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of mobile dependency and its relationship with self-esteem of students.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 697 students were chosen through systemic random sampling method. Data collection tools included 10-item rosenberg self-esteem questionnaire with four-point Likert Scale, and the 20-item mobile dependency questionnaire which covered three domains of deprivation tolerance (item 1-7), dysfunction of life (items 8-13) and force - persist (items 14-20). The collected data were entered in SPSS 16 software and analyzed with statistical tests of T-Test, and chi-square and Pearson Correlation.

Results: The rate of mobile dependency was 0.9 %. It did not differ by sex, however, by age, field of study, educational level, duration and how to use, the number of daily incoming and dialed call and message, average monthly charge were different. Mobile dependency and self esteem in students had a negative significant correlation (r=-0.67).

Conclusion: Low self-esteem can lead to problematic use of the mobile phone; therefore, identifying people at risk and strategies for promoting self-esteem is useful.


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How to Cite

Prevalence of Mobile Phone Dependency and its Relationship with Students’ Self Esteem. (2013). Knowledge and Health in Basic Medical Sciences, 8(4), Page:156-162.