About the Journal

Title: Journal of Knowledge & Health in Basic Medical Sciences (formerly: Journal of Knowledge & Health)

Online ISSN:

Old ISSNs: (Online ISSN: 2345-3753, Print ISSN: 1735-577X)

Chairperson: Dr. Nourian Javad

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Gharravi Anneh Mohammad

Publisher: Shahroud University of Medical Sciences


The Journal of Knowledge & Health in Basic Medical Sciences (JKH) accepts Original Papers, Review Articles, Short Communications and Letters to the Editor in the field of basic medical Sciences especially Anatomy, Histology, Macro Anatomy, Embryology, Biochemistry, Nutrition, Microbiology, Bacteriology, Virology, Immunology, Parasitology, Physiology, Medical Physics, Diagnostic Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiobiology, Radiation Protection, Medical Genetics and Pathology.

Email: knh@shmu.ac.ir, Journalofknowledgeandhealth@gmail.com

Website: http://knh.shmu.ac.ir/index.php/site/index

Year of first issue publication: 2006

Article Submission Charges: Free

Article Processing Charges (APCs): Free 

Abbreviation: "JKH"

Language: Persian Full-text; English Expanded Abstract (250words); English Abstract (250words)

Scientific Supporter: Shahroud University of Medical Sciences

Full-text available format: PDF

Frequency: Quarterly  

Refereed: Double-blind Peer Review

Type of Access: Open Access (OA)

Type of License:  Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC

Document Identifire Type: DOI (mEDRA)

Principles of Publishing Ethics: COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practices

About the Journal:

The Journal of Knowledge & Health in Basic Medical Sciences (The Official Journal of Shahroud University of Medical Sciences) is an Open access and peer-reviewed journal concerned with basic medical Sciences. The publication of the first issue of this journal dates back to 2006. It is supported financially by Shahroud University of Medical Sciences. The journal used to be published quarterly in the Persian language with an abstract in English and offer Advance Online Publication.