Evaluation of AML1 / ETO Gene Integration in Children with Leukemia Referring to Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran


  • Roghayeh Beykzadeh1 1- Dept. of Biochemistry, School of Biology, Azad Islamic University, Shiraz Branch, Shiraz, Iran.
  • Aghil Tabar Molahasan2 2- Dept. of Immunology, School of Pyrapezshky, Islamic Azad University, Babol Branch, Babol, Iran.
  • Nematollah Razmi3 3- School of Biology, Azad Islamic University, Shiraz Branch, Shiraz, Iran.




Leukemia, AML, ETO


Introduction: The integration of T (8; 21), or AML1-ETO, is the most common translocation in acute myeloid leukemia at both ages of children and adults. The occurrence of this genetic integration is effective in the future of the patient's treatment and has a prognostic role. In the Iranian population of acute leukemia, this genetic integration is unclear and its prevalence is unclear. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the integration of AML1 / ETO gene in children with leukemia referring to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Tehran.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 58 children with acute myeloid leukemia with different morphology during the year 95 were evaluated. After peripheral blood supply, the mononuclear cells of the patients were immediately removed. Also, the peripheral blood lymphoma was prescribed to confirm leukemia. Single-core cells were extracted from patients with complete RNA. Using PCR molecular techniques, Nested PCR and Real-Time PCR were used to evaluate the integration.

Results: The results of this study showed that the age range of the children was between 4-5 years old. The sex ratio was 53.5% female and 46.5% male. 80% of the subjects had this genetic integration, as well as their plasma mRNA was significant. In the peripheral blood test, hemoglobin concentration was 9.6 g / dl and the average white blood cell count was 70500 / μl.

Conclusion: Considering the frequency of integration of this gene translocation in the Iranian population studied, it seems that the use of this integration is useful for determining





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How to Cite

Evaluation of AML1 / ETO Gene Integration in Children with Leukemia Referring to Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran. (2017). Knowledge and Health in Basic Medical Sciences, 12(2), page:42-48. https://doi.org/10.22100/jkh.v12i2.1677