The Protective Effect of Agmatine Against Intracerebroventricular Streptozotocin-Induced Memory Impairment in Male Rats


  • Farbood Yaghoub
  • Amir Hossein Zarifkar
  • Mahin Dianat
  • Alireza Sarkaki
  • Maryam Mousavi



Streptozotocin, Agmatine, Learning, Memory, Morris water maze, Rat


Introduction: Intracerebroventricular injection of streptozotocin leads to learning and memory impairment. Different mechanisms such as oxidative stress and insulin signaling disruption has been proposed for streptozocin induced learning and memory deterioration. As these changes occur in Alzheimer's disease, this model is widely used to assess Alzheimer's disease. Agmatine is a polyamine derived from L-arginine decarboxylation. Agmatine is shown to have various effects such as neuroprotective role. Therefore, the present study was aimed to assess the plausible protective effect of agmatine against streptozocin induced memory impairment.

Methods: Male sprague-dawely rats weighing 200-250 g were used in this study. Within surgery the canules were implanted bilaterally into lateral ventricle. Streptozocin was injected on days 1 and 3 (3 mg/kg in divided doses). Agmatine administration (40 and 80 mg/kg) was started from day 4 and continued in an alternate manner till day 14. The animal’s learning and memory capability was assessed on days 15-18 using morris water maze. The animals were trained during 3 days, and on day 4, the probe test was done. In order to assess the effect of drugs on motivation and sensorimotor coordination, a visible platform test was performed after the probe trial.

Results: While streptozocin injection led to learning and memory disability, agmatine treatment in dose 80 mg/kg but not 40 mg/kg restored this memory impairment.

Conclusion: It seems that agmatine might be beneficial for memory impairment caused by Alzheimer’s disease.


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How to Cite

The Protective Effect of Agmatine Against Intracerebroventricular Streptozotocin-Induced Memory Impairment in Male Rats. (2013). Knowledge and Health in Basic Medical Sciences, 9(3), Page:70-76.