Evaluation of BDNF Expression Level in Male Wistar Rats After Six Weeks of Swimming





Brain-drived neurotrophic factor, Hippocampus, Water temperature


Introduction: Aerobic exercises enhance cognitive performance. Given the crucial role of BDNF expression in this enhancement, the present study investigated the effects of six weeks of swimming in both cold water and normal temperature on cognitive performance and the expression levels of BDNF in brain tissue.

Methods: Twenty-five male Wistar rats (8 weeks old, weighing 250 ± 30 g) were obtained from the Pasteur Institute. After a two-week acclimatization period in a standard laboratory environment, the rats participated in an initial cognitive function test. They were randomly divided into three groups: one for swimming in cold water, one for swimming in normal temperature water, and a control group. The two exercise groups then followed the exercise protocol for six weeks. After that, the Real-time PCR method was used to measure the BDNF gene expression. A one-way ANOVA test was also used to analyze the findings.

Results: The results showed that cognitive performance enhanced significantly after six weeks of swimming when compared to the control group (P<001). Additionally, BDNF expression levels in brain tissue were significantly higher in the two training groups than in the control group (P<002). Furthermore, the increase in BDNF levels in the cold water swimming group was statistically higher than that observed in the normal temperature swimming group (P<0.04).

Conclusion: It seems that changes in BDNF expression play a role in enhancing cognitive performance as a result of sports training, and swimming in cold water may provide an effective stimulus to enhance the training's effects on BDNF.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of BDNF Expression Level in Male Wistar Rats After Six Weeks of Swimming. (2024). Knowledge and Health in Basic Medical Sciences, 19(3), page:10-17. https://doi.org/10.22100/jkh.v19i3.3259

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