The Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation, Intervention Based On the Barclay Model and Neural Feedback on the Reading Performance of Children with Dyslexia




توانبخشی شناختی، مداخله مبتنی بر الگوی بارکلی، پسخوراند عصبی، عملکرد خواندن، نارساخوانی


Introduction: Dyslexia affects the brain's ability to receive, retain, and respond to information. This study aimed to investigate and compare the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation methods, interventions based on the Barkley model, and neurofeedback on reading performance in children with dyslexia.

Methods: The present study was conducted as a quasi-experimental study on 60 male and female students with dyslexia who referred to learning disabilities centers in Shahroud City using convenience sampling with four groups (three experimental groups and one control group). The data collection tool included the formal reading and dyslexia test Karimi Nouri and Moradi, 2008. The data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance with SPSS version 26 software.

Results: According to the results obtained, two intervention methods based on the Barclay model and cognitive rehabilitation effectively improved the reading performance of children with dyslexia. Still, the intervention based on the Barclay model was more effective than other methods in improving their reading performance. Timely reinforcement of reading skills by parents, who spend significant time with their children, can be highly effective in enhancing the teachability of this group.

Conclusion: Therefore, from a practical point of view, it can be considered an essential and basic skill required by dyslexic students in early grades and lower levels of education to have better preventive results.


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How to Cite

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation, Intervention Based On the Barclay Model and Neural Feedback on the Reading Performance of Children with Dyslexia. (2025). Knowledge and Health in Basic Medical Sciences, 19(4), page:31-40.

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