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Evaluation of the need for simultaneous cholecystectomy in patients with thalassemia major under splenectomy




Cholecystectomy, Thalassemia major, Splenectomy, Ultrasound, Gallstones, Surgery


Introduction: This study aims to investigate the necessity of simultaneous cholecystectomy in thalassemia major patients undergoing splenectomy, in light of reports regarding the prevalence of gallstones in these patients and the overall incidence of the disease in Mazandaran.

Methods: This study was conducted on all 247 patients with beta-thalassemia major, who underwent splenectomy surgery during 2010-2020 for any indication in medical centers affiliated to Babol University of Medical Sciences (without a history of this procedure). Their percentage was determined and a decision was made regarding simultaneous surgery of cholecystectomy and splenectomy. Sampling was done by census method and all cases were reviewed and patients were followed up by phone and the necessary information was extracted and recorded in the checklist. Data were described using SPSS 22 software and analyzed at a significance level of 0.05.

Results:  A total of 247 patients with an average age of 20.13 ± 3.98 years (minimum age 10 and maximum age 29) were included in the study. The frequency of simultaneous cholecystectomy was reported in 33 cases (13.4%). Out of 214 patients who did not need simultaneous cholecystectomy (57.9%), 183 patients underwent cholecystectomy after splenectomy (85.5%).In 28 people (11.3 percent) had normal ultrasound and 3 people (1.3 percent) died. The prevalence of gallstones was reported as 87.4 percent. It is The average time for cholecystectomy compared to splenectomy in 183 patients who underwent cholecystectomy was 13.41±6.94 months (minimum time interval 3 and maximum 28 months) and in the examination of ultrasound findings, 219 patients (88.7%) had stones. They had a gall bladder and normal ultrasound was reported in 28 people (11.3%).

Conclusion: The study results indicate a high prevalence of gallstones in patients with thalassemia major. Therefore, it suggests that simultaneous cholecystectomy and splenectomy should be considered, even in asymptomatic cases.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of the need for simultaneous cholecystectomy in patients with thalassemia major under splenectomy. (2024). Knowledge and Health in Basic Medical Sciences, 19(2), page:2-8.

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